All Real Estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, o...
Appliance Pick-Up
Free Broken Appliance Pick-up All appliances, AC units, scrap metal, car parts & vehicles, lawn mowers & etc. Call anytime: John at 620-797-8040
Residential Help Wanted Ad
DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL - REWARDING JOB SATISFACTION, MULTIPLE SHIFT OPTIONS, GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES. Rosewood Services' residential department seeks motivated, caring, dependable individuals for immediate positions of direct support professiona...
Van Driver Help Wanted Ad
Van Driver - REWARDING JOB SATISFACTION, MULTIPLE SHIFT OPTIONS, GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES. Rosewood Services' Day Service department seeks motivated, caring, dependable individuals for immediate van driving positions. Full-time and Part-time positions...
Day Services Help Wanted Ad
DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL - REWARDING JOB SATISFACTION, MULTIPLE SHIFT OPTIONS, GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES. Rosewood Services' Day Service department seeks motivated, caring, dependable individuals for immediate positions of direct support professiona...